Senin, 17 November 2008


MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris
HARI/TANGGAL : Selasa, 11 Desember 2007
WAKTU : Pukul 07.00 s.d. 09.00


Text 1
The following text is used to answer the questions no. 1 – 5

Snow White
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle because her parents were dead.
One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.

Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, “what is your name?” Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.”
Doc, one of the dwarfs, said, “If you wish, you may live here with us.” Snow White said, “Oh could I? Thank you.” Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.

01. Where is the prior setting of Snow White story?
in the castle
in the jungle
in the village
in the town
in a luxury house

02. How is the character of Snow White?
She is brave, smart and shy
She is stupid and lazy
She is brave, smart and kindhearted
She is beautiful and kindhearted
She is very shy

03. Who helped Snow White?
her aunt
her aunt and uncle
no one
a prince

04. What is the resolution of the story of Snow White?
Snow white went back to the castle
Snow white dead
Snow White married with the dwarf
Dwarfs met Snow White in the jungle
Snow White and seven dwarfs live happily ever after

05. Snow white ran away into the woods. The underlined words mean ................

Text 2
The following text is used to answer the questions no. 6 – 10

The princess and the Pea
There was once a prince. He wanted a princess, but it had to be a rue princess! So he journeyed all around the world to find one, but no matter where he went, something was wrong. There were plenty of princesses, but whether or not they were true princesses he couldn’t find out. There was always something that wasn’t quite right. So he came home again and was very sad, for he wanted a true princess so very much.
One evening there was a terrible storm. The lightning flashed, the thunder bloomed and the rain poured down! It was really frightful! Then somebody knocked at the city gate, and the old king went out to open it.
The princess was standing out side, but heavens, how she looked from the rain and the bad weather! Water poured off her hair and clothes, ran in at the toe of her shoe and out at the heel, but she said she was a true princess!
“Well, we’ll soon find that out!” thought the old queen but she didn’t say anything she went into the bedroom, took off all the bedding, and put a pea on the bottom of the bed. The she took twenty mattresses and laid them on top of the pea and then put twenty eiderdown quilts on top of the mattresses. There the princess was to sleep that night.
In the morning they asked her how she had slept. “Oh, just miserably!” said the princess. “I’ve hardly closed my eyes all night! Heaven knows what was in my bed! I’ve been lying on something so hard that I’m black and blue all over! It’s simply dreadful!”
Then they could tell that this was a true princess, because through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eiderdown quilts she had felt the pea. Only a true princess could have such delicate skin.
So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a true princess, and the pea was put into the museum, where it can still be seen, if no one has taken it.

06. What does the story talk about?
A prince who is powerful and wifeless.
A prince who looked for the real pea
Princess who wanted to marry a handsome and powerful prince
Price’s wedding ceremony which was very amusing
Prince who wanted to look for a real princess to marry

07. What kind of the text is the passage?

08. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
the prince wanted to marry a princess
the prince’s failure to look for a real princess all over the world
the prince found the real princess
the prince went back home because he had found the princess
the prince met young lady who told him the real princess

09. What is the meaning of black and blue (par 4)
the skin of the princess was colourful
has two colours
Discoloured by coagulation of blood beneath the skin
Some parts of the princess were black and some parts were blue
The skin of the princess was black striped blue

10. What is the purpose of the text?
to entertain the readers
to explain about something
to persuade the reader
to describe something clearly
to retell about something happened in the past

Text 3
The following text is used to answer the questions no. 11 – 15

Although he created of the game of basketball at the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts, Dr. James A. Naismith was a Canadian Working as a physical education instructor at the International YMCA, now Springfield College, Dr. Naismith noticed a lack of interest in exercise among students during wintertime. The New England winters were fierce, and the students balked at participating in outdoor activitis. Naismith determined that a fast-moving game that could be played indoors would fill a void after the baseball and football seasons had ended.
First he attempted to adapt outdoor games such as soccer and rugby to indoor play, but he soon found them suitable for confined areas. Finally he determined that he would have to invent a game.
In December of 1891, Dr. Naismith hung two old peach baskets at either end of the gymnasium at the school, and, using a soccer ball and nine side of each side, organized the first basketball game. The early rules allowed three points for each basket and made running with the ball a violation. Every time a goal was made, someone had to climb a ladder to retrieve the ball.
Nevertheless, the game became popular. In less than a year, basketball was being played in both United States and Canada. Five years later, a championship tournament was staged in New York City, which was won by the Brooklyn Central YMCA.
The teams had already been reduced to seven players, and five became standard in the 1897 season. When basketball was introduced as a demonstration sport in the 1904 Olympic Games in St. Louis, it quickly spread throughout the world. In 1906, a metal hoop was used for the first time the replace the basket, but the name basketball has remained.

11. What does the passage mainly discuss?
The Olympic Games in St. Louis in 1904
The development of basketball
The YMCA athletic program
Dr. James Naismith
Basket, popular sport in the world

12. The phrase “balked at” in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by.....
excelled at
were exhausted by

13. What does the author mean by the statement “When basketball was introduced as a demonstration sport in the 1904 Olympic Games in St. Louis, it quickly spread throughout the world”?
Basketball was not considered an Olympic sport at the St. Louis games.
Basketball became popular worldwide after its introduction at the Olympic Games in St. Louis.
Basketball players from many countries competed in the Olympic Games in St. Louis
Basketball was one of the most popular sports at the Olympic Games in St. Louis
Many balls spread all over the world since the 1904 Olympic Games in St. Louis

14. Why did Naismith decide to invent basketball?
he did not like soccer or rugby
he was tired of baseball and football
he wanted his students to exercise during the winter
he could not convince his students to play indoors
he had obsession to change soccer with another play

15. It can be inferred from the passage that the original baskets.....
were not placed very high
had a metal rim
were only in the Olympic Games
were hung on the same side
did not have a hole in the bottom

Text 4
The following text is used to answer the questions no. 16 – 20

A recent study revealed that fathers in a home where both parents reside spend an average of three minutes per day with each child individually. Many distractions keep children and their fathers apart.
I come from a family of five children. My parents had decided that it was important for my mother to be home full-time to manage the household and the children. That meant my father had to moonlight as a musician in bands that played for conventions, wedding and company dinners. His extra work often kept him away evenings and weekends. From early age we all understood why this work was necessary. But each one of us missed our father’s presence at time we could have been deeply influential in our lives.
It is common for a father’s work to prevent intimacy from developing between him and his children. Even if he loves his work because it gives him a chance to be creative and to develop his gifts, it may not be good for his children. Many companies place consistent unrealistic demands on employee time and energy. Workaholism is rewarded with advancement, money and more responsibility. The briefcase coming home at night gets fatter, and the amount of time spent with a spouse

16. How many members of the family are there?

17. What is the main idea of 3rd paragraph?
father must be ambitious
children must be the first
children are not precious
fathering is not important
father’s sacrifice is not essential

18. That meant my father had to moonlight as a musician in bands that...............
The underlined word has similar meaning to....
Work a second job
The ray of the moon
As light as moon
Work on the moon
The light of the moon is bright

19. What was the regular work of the writer’s father?
director of company
employee of company

20. One of the statements below is not correct according to the text.
the father has two jobs in earning money
the writer realises that his father must work hard
many companies usually ask more of their employees
the presence of father in family isn’t important
The writer’s father earn much money

21. The injured bird ................................ in a special cage for one week.
has been kept
was being kept
has be kept
was kept
have been kept

22. No body can do such a thing.
The passive sentence from this sentence is.............
such a thing can’t be done by no body
such a thing can be do by no body
such a thing can’t be done
such a thing can be done
such a thing absolutely can be is done

23. ‘What if your father asks you about the scratch on his new car?’
‘I..................... that it’s my fault.’
simply told him
am simply telling him
will simply tell him
would simply tell him
would simply have told him

24. ‘If I hadn’t booked in advance, I would have had difficulties in getting good accommodation at a reasonable price.’
This sentence means...........
It was difficult to get a room although I had reservation
I found a room in advance but it wasn’t comfortable
The room I got as good but rather expensive
I was lucky to get a good room without reservation
I got a good room and I didn’t have to pay much

25. I deposited all my idle money in the bank; if not, I ............................. it on things I did not really need.
a. will spend
b. am going to spend
c. could spend
d. can spend
e. would have spent

26. Had I known you were expecting a call, I wouldn’t have used the phone so long.
The underlined words mean.......................
I would like to talk on the phone
I was about to use the phone
I kept talking on the phone
I was waiting to use the phone
I stopped talking on the phone

27. She smiled at me. She didn’t me before she smiled at me as if .............................
she doesn’t know me before
she knows me before
she doesn’t know me before
she had known me before
she knew me before

28. He is homeless. He behaves as though he ...................................the house
is owning
has been owning
were owned

29. She must be sent to hospital ......................... she dies soon.
even though

30. .......................................his stubbornness, he was forced to leave the dormitory.
because of
instead of

31. Would you join us in the next vacation to France?
I don’t think she would come.
What a marvelous!
Let me inform you about this.
Ouch! You hurt me.

32. Andi : What about the result of your math test?
Indah : ................................ I got perfect mark on it.
it is very painful
I feel so relived
I don’t think so
You scare me
In my opinion relating to the case

33. Donald : Do you want to complain about your car after being repaired?
Esther : .................................... they didn’t check it all.
very pleasing
no, they feel satisfied
from the statement above,
I am little dissatisfied
I am sorry to hear that

34. James : I heard that there was a crash between train from Jakarta and train from Surabaya
Andi : .................................
I am glad to hear that
In my opinion the train is not damaged
What a marvelous
What a scaring news
Do you agree with me?

35. Susan : The length of dinosaurs was about three times of elephant.
Dody : ................................ I don’t believe it.
I am sorry
What an interesting thing
Let me see

36. Bram : I am sorry mum; marks in my report book are rather bad.
Mother : ................................
What an amazing news
It looks like that you don’t have to study more
I think you should study harder
What a relief
Ouch stop pinching me

37. Toni : So what do you think if we go camping next week?
Tono : It’s good idea, that’s my hobby
From the dialogue above we can conclude that...
Tono refuses Toni’s opinion
Tono doesn’t like Toni’s idea
Tono agrees to the plan
Tono doesn’t agree at all
Tono gives an opinion

38. The mechanic would repair the car well if the equipment were complete.
From the sentence we can conclude that ........
the car was repaired
the car has just been repaired
the car is good now
the car is still broken
the mechanic repaired it well

39. Volcanic heat is capable of generating electricity.
The underlined has the same meaning of...............

40. All students seem to be ...................... by the story.

41. Intan was not angry with Kiraan ……………….. he teased her.
a. Moreover
b. Because of
c. Even though
d. Until
e. Since

42. Our dogs ………………… when there is a stranger around our house.
a. Croak
b. Meow
c. Hiss
d. Bang
e. Creep

43. I was very frightened last night because a snake ……………….. into my room.
a. Walked
b. Run
c. Slithered
d. Jumped
e. Crawled

44. One of the ancient Greek ……………… about the goddess Demeter is that her daughter was stolen from her.
a. proverbs
b. Sayings
c. Novels
d. Reports
e. Myths

45. (1) This liquid makes the victim slippery and enables it to slide down the python’s throat.
(2) A python swallows its victim whole.
(3) After that, is slithers to a quiet place to digest its food.
(4) Then it spits out a slimy liquid over the victim.
(5) It coils itself round an animal in order to suffocate it.
The correct order to make a good paragraph is ….
a. 2-3-4-1-5
b. 2-5-4-1-3
c. 2-4-5-1-3
d. 2-5-4-3-1
e. 2-4-3-1-5


Reading Comprehension

In the beginning, Mother Earth and Father Sky had many children, called Titans. Zeus was a child of one of the Titans. He grew to be king of the gods. He was a great ruler and decided to populate the earth with people and animals. He gave the job of making the creatures to Titan brothers Prometheus and Epimetheus. It was decided that Pandora would be the first woman on earth.
All the gods and goddesses gave Pandora gifts before she was sent to earth. Aphrodite gave her beauty and charm. Apollo gave her the gift of music. Athena gave her wisdom. And Zeus himself, gave her the gift of curiosity. Then Zeus handed Pandora a lovely golden box. It had a very tight lid. Zeus told Pandora to take the box with her to earth. “But,” he warned her, “you must never, never open it.”
Zeus sent Pandora to Epimetheus. “She is your gift for making all those animals for the earth, “Zeus said. Prometheus had warned Epimetheus never to accept gifts from Zeus. But Epimetheus saw how lovely Pandora was. He forgot his brother’s words. Epimetheus fell in love with Pandora. They became husband and wife.
Pandora put her box on a high shelf. She remembered Zeus’s warning. She told herself she’d never open the golden box. But in time her curiosity grew stronger and stronger. One day, when Epimetheus was away, she climbed up to the shelf.
“I must know what is inside this box!” Pandora said. “Just one little peek couldn’t hurt. Since it comes from the gods, it must be something wonderful!”
Pandora shook the box a little. She heard something scurry about inside it. This made her all the more curious. She lifted the lid just the slightest crack.
Suddenly the box seemed to leap out of her hands. The lid fell off, and the most terrible things came flying out of it. Roars, screams, howls, and moans filled the room. It grew very dark. Awful things came out of that box. Some had wings. Some slithered and crawled. Some had pointed ears, long tails, and sharp fangs. There creatures were envy, greed, sickness, and sorrow. They were hunger and prejudice, and evil of every kind.
“Oh, no!” Pandora cried. She knew she had done something terribly wrong. She slammed the lid down the box. But it was too late. The creatures had escaped. They swirled away, carried by the wind to every corner of the earth. Only one, called Hope, remained inside. Hope stayed in order to help humans fight what had escaped Pandora’s box.

46. a. What did Zeus ask Prometheus and Epimentheus to do?
Who was Pandora?
What kinds of gifts did Pandora receive from gods and goddesses?
What did Zeus warn concerning the box?
What happened to the box when Pandora managed to open it?

47. Provide the suitable responses to the following language expressions!

Expression of relief
James : “Hi, Our striker was able to score a goal in the injury time, we will win the match!”
Bintang : “…………………………………………………………………………………….”

Giving advice
Juwita : “My father’s health is getting worse, do you have any advice for me?”
Hendra : “…………………………………………………………………………………….”

Showing disagreement
Eko : “AC Milan is the best football team of the world.”
Sapto : “…………………………………………………………………………………….”
I think Manchester United is the best team of the word.”

Showing surprise
Suripto : “Don’t you know that the beautiful girl over there is blind, Raymond?”
Raymond : “………………………………………………………………………………….”

Giving opinion
Clara : “What do you think about my new haircut?”
Mario : “…………………………………………………………………………………….”

48. Change the following sentence into passive voice.
a. What is you mother feeling now?

b. Combine these two sentences using appropriate conjunction.
Susan said that she would not speak to Devi.
Devi spoke to her first.

49. a. What is the fact of the following statement?
If only I had known that she was your sister. I wouldn’t have made her my girlfriend.
The fact: …………………………………………………………………………………………

b. Make a wish-sentence from the following fact.
She does not meet David Beckham.
She wishes ………………………………………………………………………………………

c. Make an if-sentence from the following fact.
My parents are not rich, so I am not sent to study abroad.
If …………………………………………………………………………………………………

d. What is the fact of the following statement?
Charlie acts as if he could speak English well.
The fact: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

50. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph.
Unfortunately, polished rice eaten on its own is not very nutritious.
While most other cereals have to be ground into flour, and then baked or cooked in a pan before they are eaten, rice merely requires cooking.
Rice is perhaps the most eaten grain in the world.
However, those who eat rice must make sure they eat other food to get a balanced diet.
Some varieties can grow in cooler climates and some on dry hillsides.
However, it has to be eaten with other food, such as meat, fish or vegetable dishes to taste good.
The rice plant belongs to the family of grasses, and grows best in hot, wet climates.


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